Shuchita Solved Scanner CA Final Group-I (New Syllabus) Paper-2 Advanced Financial Management By Dr. Arpita Ghose And Gourab Ghose Applicable for May 2025 Exam




Scanner CA Final Advanced Financial Management May 25 Exam

About the Author:-
Dr. Arpita Ghose, Gourab Ghose,Prof. Arun Kumar,CS. CA Rajiv Singh,Dr. Arpita Ghose, Gourab Ghose,Prof. Arun Kumar and CS. CA Rajiv Singh is one of the renowned writer in the field of finance, especially in the area of AMA for CA Final exams. The author has written a number of excellent books in the area of AMA that is useful for CA Final exams.Author Dr. Arpita Ghose, Gourab Ghose,Prof. Arun Kumar,CS. CA Rajiv Singh,Dr. Arpita Ghose, Gourab Ghose,Prof. Arun Kumar and CS. CA Rajiv Singh books are currently available through Carvinowledge Press (CNP India),Pooja law house,Shuchita Prakashan(P) Ltd.They have diligence and immense ability to learn, relearn and unlearn. Inspite being Indias best faculty and accepted in whole country they are still far away from arrogance. They have been playing multiple roles since the time they are teachers. They are teachers, motivators, friends, counselors and inspiration for many aspirants. They give students a classroom where they can share their doubts and can receive maximum learning. They make students to imbibe all the knowledge given in the class so that they can retain it in the future as well